Bed Bug Exterminators of CT

The Best Pest Control Service in CT
We kill bed bugs. Pretty simple. We have bed bug exterminators in Hartford, Waterbury, Middletown, Danbury and Willimantic, all of whom provide bed bug extermination services to residents and businesses located throughout all of Connecticut. Our proven methods are guaranteed to eliminate your bedbugs..

Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.
Who wrote that old adage anyway??? While it may be solid advise, it’s not much of a visual to send a child off to bed with. Of course, years ago we didn’t have the bedbug infestation that has become rather commonplace today.
The hitchhiking skills of these miniature vampires are impressive. Bed bugs are opportunists, just waiting for a chance to score their next meal. They can come from other infested areas or used furniture. Bed bugs can hitchhike a ride into your home in luggage, purses, backpacks, or other items placed on soft or upholstered surfaces. They can travel between rooms in multi-unit buildings, such as apartment buildings, adjoined condos and hotel rooms.
How Do You Know If You Have Bed Bugs?
Since bed bugs can flatten their bodies, they can hide in very small crevices, especially around the bed area. They are found in habitual hiding places, preferably close to a blood meal. That’s you. You are their “blood meal”.
While they are great at hiding, it’s fairly easy to determine if you have bed bugs. If your or your family are experiencing a red, itchy rash that is otherwise of unknown origin, bed bugs are the likely culprit. They are nocturnal by nature so they are not often seen, but they do leave behind fecal matter and blood spots that are tell-tale signs of infestation. If you observe black or rust colored spots on your mattress or bedding, you have bed bugs.
Hartford makes the 2020 list of the Top-50 Cities in the US with the worst bed bug infestation.
Our Bed Bug Exterminators in Hartford know how to get rid of bed bugs fast! Request a free, no obligation quote today! Emergency bed bug treatment is available too.