Do You Need A Bed Bug Exterminator In Middletown, CT?

Middletown residents: Have you noticed black or rust colored stains on your sheets or mattress? Have you woken up with red, itchy bites? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you probably have bed bugs. It is more commen than you might think. In fact, based on annual reports by Orkin, Middletown ranks #34 in the Top 50 US cities for having the worst bedbug infestation. In the last few years, there has been a resurgence of bed bugs in Middletown, CT and throughout New England but don’t worry, Bed Bug Exterminators of CT is just a phone call away and will have your home pest-free in no time.

At Bed Bug Exterminators of CT, the health and satisfaction of our pest control customers is our top priority. In addition to providing professional bed bug extermination in Middletown, our technician will also educate our customers on how to prevent additional bed bug infestations.  Our Middletown bed bug extermination services will eliminate bed bugs in all life stages, using the safest and most modern pest control techniques.

How to Identify Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat, reddish-brown insects with oval-shaped, wingless bodies. Although they can reside anywhere in a home or residential space, bed bugs are most often found on mattresses, box springs, bed frames, sofas, or other soft furniture. They typically hide in corners or seams. More often than not, people see the signs of bed bugs before seeing the actual bugs.

The signs of a bed bug infestation include bed bug bites (usually presents as small raised bumps on the skin that can be swollen and itchy), brown or red stains on or around bedding (these can be fecal stains, blood stains, egg cases or shed skins), and the actual bugs themselves (most often found between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m.). If you are worried that your home or business may be in need of bed bug extermination services, contact us today.

Traveling? Follow our tips to prevent bringing bed bugs back to your Middletown home.

Year-Round Bed Bug Treatment In Middletown

You may think that bed bugs can only survive in the warmer months of the year, however, bed bugs can survive in the cold winter temperatures in Middletown as well. The cold temperatures don’t kill bed bugs or their eggs, so it’s important to watch for possible bed bug infestations throughout the year.

Request a Bed Bug Inspection in Middletown

For a free estimate on bed bug extermination in Middletown, CT, feel free to contact Bed Bug Exterminators of CT at 860-791-4286 or via the form at the top or bottom of the page. We’re happy to provide you with answers to questions you may have about bed bug removal, or dispatch technicians to exterminate your unwanted guests so you can rest easy.


“Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite”

Did you know bedbugs feed (on your skin and blood) every 10 days?  Time is of the essence if you don’t want to be their next meal.  Call or complete our online quote request today!


 Our Guarantee

Bed bug exterminations are not always 100% successful on the first treatment. A few stragglers can sometimes manage to survive. That is why our bed bug extermination service automatically includes a follow up visit to reinspect your home or business. This will help to ensure that the extermination was effective. If there is any trace of survivors, the technician will schedule another treatment to ensure that the bed bugs are completely eradicated. We guarantee that your home or business in Middletown will be free of any and all bed bugs once we have completed the pest control treatment.